helpers::NetworkBuffer | Helpclass for data-(de)-serialization |
helpers::SecureList< T > | Threadsafe (but not exceptionsafe!) std::list |
helpers::SecureMap< TKey, TVal > | Threadsafe (but not exceptionsafe!) std::map |
helpers::SecureVector< T > | Threadsafe (but not exceptionsafe!) std::vector |
netlib::BasicClient | Basisnetwork-client for connection to a basicnetwork-server |
netlib::BasicServer | Basisnetwork-server |
netlib::BasicServerClient | Basisnetwork-serverclient which representates a participant/ a to the server connected client |
netlib::Clientclass | Base class for message-,packet- and connection-handling. Used on server and client side |
netlib::InitData | Container for some important info for a new connected client |
netlib::Network | Base class for every socket based communication (UDP or TCP) |
netlib::Packet | Class carring the sent data and the message |
syncsys::MemExClient | Specialised version of netlib::BasicClient for the sync system |
syncsys::MemExServer | Specialised version of netlib::BasicServer for the sync system |
syncsys::MemExServerClient | Specialised version of netlib::BasicServerClient for the sync system |
syncsys::NetEntity | Base class for all classes which should be to synchronized by the sync system |
syncsys::NetIDManager | Class for managing the NetIDs of NetEntity |
syncsys::SyncClient | Base class for a client |
syncsys::SyncServerClient | Base class for a to the server connected client |