Public Member Functions

helpers::SecureMap< TKey, TVal > Class Template Reference

threadsafe (but not exceptionsafe!) std::map More...

#include <SecureMap.h>

Inherits std::map< TKey, TVal >.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void lock (void)
 calls lock of the criticalsection /mutex
void unlock (void)
 calls unlock of the criticalsection /mutex
void clear (bool lockit)
 calls lock, std::map::clear and unlock
bool empty (void) const
 calls std::map::empty and returns the result
MapSizeType size (void) const
 calls std::map::size and returns the result
cMapIterator begin (bool lockit) const
 calls lock, std::map::begin and returns the result
cMapIterator find (const TKey &key, bool lockit) const
 calls lock, std::map::find and returns the result
cMapIterator end (void) const
 calls std::map::end and returns the result
MapIterator begin (bool lockit)
 calls lock, std::map::begin and returns the result
MapIterator find (const TKey &key, bool lockit)
 calls lock, std::map::find and returns the result
MapIterator end (void)
 calls std::map::end and returns the result
void erase (MapIterator it)
 calls std::map::erase. Container should be locked before.
std::pair< MapIterator, bool > insert (const MapValueType &e, bool lockit)
 calls lock, std::map::end, unlock and returns the result

Detailed Description

template<class TKey, class TVal>
class helpers::SecureMap< TKey, TVal >

threadsafe (but not exceptionsafe!) std::map

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