Public Member Functions

netlib::BasicClient Class Reference

basisnetwork-client for connection to a basicnetwork-server More...

#include <network.h>

Inheritance diagram for netlib::BasicClient:
netlib::Clientclass netlib::Network syncsys::MemExClient

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 BasicClient (bool AllowSendBlock=false, bool DisableNagle=true, int SendBufferSize=256 *1024, unsigned short CloseMsg=-1)
 standard c'tor
virtual bool connectto (sockaddr_in, bool blocking=false)
 connect to a server.
virtual bool connectto (const char *, int, bool blocking=false)
 connect to a server.
virtual bool disconnect (void)
 disconnect from server, if connected and reinit socket.

Detailed Description

basisnetwork-client for connection to a basicnetwork-server

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool netlib::BasicClient::connectto ( sockaddr_in  ,
bool  blocking = false 
) [virtual]

connect to a server.

if blocking = true the methode waits for the accept. Else try to connect asycronously until success or a call to disconnect. Return true, if no error occurs.

virtual bool netlib::BasicClient::connectto ( const char *  ,
int  ,
bool  blocking = false 
) [virtual]

connect to a server.

if blocking = true the methode waits for the accept. Else try to connect asycronously until success or a call to disconnect. Return true, if no error occurs.

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